
It was only a matter of time. Us men have finally got a wonder drug for our sexual imperfections. Some men call it Viagra, other men call it God. I'm not sure how I feel about it, I have never taken the stuff myself. At this point in my life if I did take it, I would have one hell of a sore arm. If people asked why I was walking around holding my arm funny, I could claim that I have tennis elbow. Now woman have a drug that helps them achieve an orgasm. I know what you are thinking, no its not alcohol. It is called Viatara. It is called the wonder drug of our lifetime.

Viatara is a cream. You cream it to the clitoris... What happens is, it helps blood flow to the clitoris. A woman will enjoy a tingling feeling in her clitoris for about 30 minutes. You should take a little of the cream and rub it on her arm before trying it out on her clitoris. If it becomes itchy, don't use the product on her clitoris. Her arm might get red where you rubbed it in. This is natural and will only last for up to 15 minutes. After 15 minutes all the redness should be gone.

Use these directions when using Viatara on your partner:

1- Pump about three or four squirts and rub it into her clitoris.

2- Manually stimulate her clitoris.

3- You can orally stimulate her clitoris also. Viatara is non toxic. You might notice that it tastes like a very strong vitamin.

4- Penetrate her and rub her clitoris with your fingers. Play around with positions to see which ones is best for this.

5- Don't be upset that she is using a drug to feel good. Would she get upset if you took Viagra to achieve an orgasm? Probably not. She would know that you have a health problem and respect that you are doing something that will make both of your lives better.

Sex isn't everything fellas. We might want to think that it is, but it isn't. Just because you can't please her on your own doesn't mean that she doesn't deserved to be pleased. You need to understand that this can be a medical problem. She doesn't choose not to have an orgasm, there is something wrong with her.

I would much rather prefer her being open about not being able to have an orgasm and having to use Viatara than I would her using it in secret. What you run the risk of is having her use it alone. You won't be able to enjoy the effects of the drug or being able to watch her orgasm. Worse than that, this might actually cause you to not score. She might feel so alienated by your reaction to her problem, that she won't want to have sex with you. How would you feel if you had a health problem and your girlfriend wasn't caring about it? It would make you feel pretty damned uncomfortable!

Having an orgasm is good for our mental health as well. It releases chemicals in our brain that helps calm us. It helps relieve the day to day stresses that we face. We all know what an orgasm does for us. Imagine if you couldn't enjoy an orgasm? You would be one cranky son of a bitch!

Guys, don't sweat this. You really shouldn't. Enjoy this new miracle drug. You and your girlfriend will get more out of sex if you do!

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